#Free Money Day
(A more generous world is possible)
Every year on September 15th, people across the world hand out their own money to complete strangers (virtually or in-person), asking recipients to pass half on to someone else. An experiment in generosity, Free Money Day invites a questioning of our relationship to money. Are you daring enough to give it a try?
How to get involved
You have three options to take part in Free Money Day:
News and inspiration
Sharing $1000 in Sydney
Here are some of the photos from one of our exciting Free Money Day events in Sydney, today. More photos at: flickr.com/freemoneyday/ (video coming soon). The event also made the national media in Australia: http://t.co/UVDKgZIe
Breaking news
56 events, 37 cities, 17 countries! Almost $3000 AUD (equivalent). Sharing is common cents! Handing out 1000 $1 coins in Sydney this morning was the most incredible experience! Pics and videos to come.
Free Money Day on the Horizon
With Free Money Day just around the corner, we thought we’d post a general update to give you all an idea of the bigger picture: So far there are 46 events registered in 30 towns or cities across 15 countries (we’d still love 4 more to make it an even 50!). There’s...