Share Money in Person

• Read these detailed instructions
• Get some friends together to help you out
• Create a sign saying ‘Free Money Day!’ – make it big, bold, and eye-catching
• Give a heads-up to local media and bloggers (here’s a handy press release template you can use)
• Change your money for coins or notes and put them in a bucket or container
• Find an appropriate public place
• Hold up your Free Money Day sign
• Until you run out, hand out the same kind of coin or note, two at a time, asking recipients to pass one of these on to someone else
• Feel free to talk with people who are interested in discussing more, and share the website:
• Take photos and/or film the event (try to get public comments/reactions on camera – you may need people on camera to sign a release form or otherwise indicate that it’s okay to use their image)
Don’t forget to share your stories, photos, and videos!
• Let us know how much money you gave away and what happened – how long did it take before someone asked what it was all about? How were the overall reactions? What did people want to discuss, if anything?
• Tweet about the event using the hashtag #freemoneyday and link to us at @freemoneyday; post a story to your Facebook profile and tag the Free Money Day Facebook page (‘like’ the page first, then use the ‘@’ sign to tag from a drop down list); write a blog post.
• Follow up with media and send through any clippings or links for us to post on our Free Money Day media page.
• Edit your films, share them with us, and post your photos to the the Free Money Day Flickr account.