It can feel amazing to share an experience with a complete stranger.
Free Money Day is a chance to do just that! Join us this September 15 and share some money with strangers as a way to build greater social trust and explore our relationship to wealth, as well as how we create an economy in which money circulates, rather than accumulating with the elite few. If talking to strangers isn’t your thing, you can always leave two of coins in a public place with a note saying ‘please take me, and pass half on –’.
What will you be doing this Free Money Day? Whatever you’re level involvement, know that you’re support is helping to create a more sharing and caring economy.
This year we’ll be a little less ‘hands on’ in planning and promoting the global day, as we’re deep in the final stages of writing our forthcoming book, How on Earth, outlining how we see a sustainable economy emerging beyond capitalism. But we’ll still be tracking and supporting your involvement as best we can.
Image credit: Manu Caddie, N.Z.