At the heart of Free Money Day 2014 is a social experiment: What happens when we share money with complete strangers?

Keep Calm and Give Away Money posterOn Monday, September 15th, people around the world will experience the answer to this question for themselves. Participants will be simultaneously helping to create a more sharing economy. Why? Because if we can open our hearts to the vulnerability associated with sharing something deemed as sacred as money, then we’re encouraging others, indeed giving others the permission, to do the same. And this grossly unequal world could certainly do with a little more sharing.

But sharing your money need not be a daunting thing. An event can be as big or as small as you’d like. It can be as easy as giving two notes or coins to someone at your workplace and asking them to pass one on, or leaving money somewhere in public, with a small note mentioning #freemoneyday.

Or perhaps you’re able to help share our Thunderclap campaign – a timed Twitter or Facebook post from our supporters, which will create a wave of attention four days before the event when released on Thursday September 11.

So, if you’re ready to make some change on September 15, by giving it all away, join us in registering your event via the sign-up form at

Here’s to changing the world, two notes or coins at a time!