What will you be doing this Free Money Day? Demo

It can feel amazing to share an experience with a complete stranger. Free Money Day is a chance to do just that! Join us this September 15 and share some money with strangers as a way to build greater social trust and explore our relationship to wealth, as well as how...

The Value of Money for Nothing

Giving things away freely – time, knowledge, possessions and money – has been and continues to be a truly valuable aspect of my freedom. My grandmother was a big inspiration. She lived simply yet, in the last years of her life, if you commented appreciatively...

When Sharing Becomes Unstoppable

How magical does the world appear when witnessing the unstoppable spread of human generosity? It seems that everywhere I turn people are discovering the joy of sharing; from giving free hugs, to distributing excess produce or holding a National Sharing Day. The...

A Short Review of Free Money Day 2011

Congratulations and gratitude to everyone who participated in the 2011 Free Money Day! The event was an overwhelming success.  With 63 events in 43 towns and cities, in 18 different countries, there were an estimated 1462 recipients of free money who then passed half...

Breaking news

56 events, 37 cities, 17 countries! Almost $3000 AUD (equivalent). Sharing is common cents! Handing out 1000 $1 coins in Sydney this morning was the most incredible experience! Pics and videos to come.