With Free Money Day just around the corner, we thought we’d post a general update to give you all an idea of the bigger picture:
So far there are 46 events registered in 30 towns or cities across 15 countries (we’d still love 4 more to make it an even 50!). There’s now a theme song and a video promo for the event. There have also been numerous blog posts, tweets, and facebook supporters as well as a tonne of friendly faces talking about it all on Twitter. Thank you to everyone who is hosting, spreading the word, or otherwise supporting the cause. It is certainly a collective effort!
Among those endorsing this event are Paul Hawken, author of Blessed Unrest, who said this is “The best kind of street theatre!” and Murray Dobbin, who has put a callout to Canadians through Word Warriors to write letters to the editor about economic alternatives. Thanks to both of you for your support.
We are really grateful for the diverse range of creative contributions to this event. For those of you who are hosting: we’re looking forward to learning more about your experiences on September 15 – keep us posted!