Free Money Day 2017

Our economy can work for everyone. How? The same way every healthy system works, through good circulation. For the body, it’s blood; for the environment, it’s oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen; for our economy, it’s money. If your heart stops pumping blood through every...

Why Free Money Day Makes You Richer

In a world where hoarding wealth is considered the norm, giving money to complete strangers, with no strings attached, seems like a radical idea. Yet, for the hundreds who have taken part in Free Money Day since its humble beginnings in 2011, there is a knowing that...

Sharing $1000 in Sydney

Here are some of the photos from one of our exciting Free Money Day events in Sydney, today. More photos at: (video coming soon). The event also made the national media in Australia:

Free Money Day Goes Virtual!

The momentum of Free Money Day continues to build, with the event manifesting in a variety of exciting and unanticipated ways.  Take for example this recent inspiring addition to the roster of participants: The author of The Creative Crip has infused Free Money Day...

An Overwhelming Response!

What an exciting start since launching last Thursday! 25 events are now registered in 18 cities across 11 countries, with almost AUD$1000 pledged to be given away for free! People are giving away as little as 5 Argentine pesos through to 100 Euros. Events are planned...