by Donnie | Sep 22, 2011 | Info & Inspiration
Congratulations and gratitude to everyone who participated in the 2011 Free Money Day! The event was an overwhelming success. With 63 events in 43 towns and cities, in 18 different countries, there were an estimated 1462 recipients of free money who then passed half... by Donnie | Sep 15, 2011 | Free Money Day Reviews
Here are some of the photos from one of our exciting Free Money Day events in Sydney, today. More photos at: (video coming soon). The event also made the national media in Australia: by Donnie | Sep 15, 2011 | Info & Inspiration
56 events, 37 cities, 17 countries! Almost $3000 AUD (equivalent). Sharing is common cents! Handing out 1000 $1 coins in Sydney this morning was the most incredible experience! Pics and videos to come. by Donnie | Sep 14, 2011 | Info & Inspiration
With Free Money Day just around the corner, we thought we’d post a general update to give you all an idea of the bigger picture: So far there are 46 events registered in 30 towns or cities across 15 countries (we’d still love 4 more to make it an even 50!). There’s... by Donnie | Sep 14, 2011 | Info & Inspiration
Canadian journalist and activist Murray Dobbin has been writing and speaking about alternatives to current political and economic arrangements for decades. With five books under his belt and countless articles, talks, presentations, broadcasts, and interviews, he has...